White paper | Xperia™ E dual
3 December 2012
PlayMemories Online*
Where are all your favourite shots? Spread out on Facebook, your phone and your computer? Now you
can carry every picture with you, without storing them all in your phone. PlayMemories Online lets you
collect all your photos and videos in one place, then relive memories wherever you are. See the perfect
shot? Upload pictures automatically over Wi-Fi® from your phone camera to PlayMemories Online. Then
view your photos on any device – tablet, phone, computer, or BRAVIA® TV.
* PlayMemories Online is not available in every market.
Music Unlimited*
We’ve got what you want to hear – millions and millions of songs on demand from Music Unlimited. Listen
offline and with no annoying ads. Enjoy dozens of preset channels and easily sync with your own music
collection. Get the most from your music with Music Unlimited – enjoy on your Xperia smartphone and all
your favourite devices – PC, PS3, BRAVIA® TV etc.
* Music Unlimited is a subscription service. Please refer to Terms of Service for details of fees. Music
Unlimited is not available in every market.