Working with albums
You can rearrange your photos and videos within albums as well as move content
between albums. You can also upload content from your Gallery albums to online
services such as Picasa™ and Facebook™., and you view content from such online
services in Gallery.
To open an album in Gallery
From your Home screen, tap .
2 Find and tap Gallery.
3 Tap the album you want to view. The album opens displaying its photo and video
content in a chronologically ordered grid. The name of the album appears at the
top of the screen.
1 Tap to switch from grid to stack view
2 The name of the album
3 Tap a photo or video to view it
4 Tap an arrow to scroll a screen at a time. Drag left or right to scroll rapidly.
5 Tap to return to the main Gallery screen
To view photos and videos in Gallery
From your Home screen, tap .
2 Find and tap Gallery.
3 Tap an album. Photos and videos are displayed in a chronologically ordered grid.
Videos are indicated by
4 Tap a photo or video to view it.
5 Flick left to view the next photo or video. Flick right to view the previous photo or
If the screen orientation does not change automatically when you turn the phone sideways,
mark the Auto-rotate screen checkbox under Settings > Display.
To change how the contents of an album are displayed in Gallery
When viewing an album in Gallery, drag the album view switch to the
right to view the contents of the album in stacks.
Drag the album view switch
to the left to view the album contents in a
chronological grid.
Working with batches of content in Gallery
You can select several photos or videos in an album and work on them in batches, for
example, to send a few photos from an album to a friend.
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