Instructions for the User
The display shows U t°C.
Press START to display the cooking temperature.
Press START or keep it pressed to increase the cooking temperature;
each time START is pressed the temperature increments by 1°C (from 50°
to 300°), or hold START down for increments of 5°C.
Press STOP to move on to displaying the next parameter
The display shows U Ct.
Press START to display the cooking time.
Press START or keep it pressed to increase the cooking time (from 1 min.
to 99 min.).
Press STOP to complete the program editing procedure.
The display shows UEnd.
The parameters set are now saved in the chosen program.
4.8 Programmed preheating P9
This program, which can be edited by the user, allows the oven to be
programmed to perform a preheating cycle with the start time,
temperature and program end time set by the user.
4.9 Setting "programmed preheating"
The first step is to make sure that the oven's main clock is set to the
correct time; if not, set it as described in "SETTING THE TIME".
N.B.- if the time has not been set (flashing), this program will not run.
Use the knob to select the "programmed preheating" program (P9).
The display shows PrEh.
Hold down STOP for 2 seconds.
The display shows a flashing On message (program start time setting).
Press START or keep it pressed to increase the hours shown.
Press STOP to move on to setting the minutes.
Press START to increase the minutes.
Press STOP to move on to displaying the next parameter
The display shows Uprh.
Press START to move on to displaying the preheating temperature.
Press START or keep it pressed to increase the preheating temperature;
each time START is pressed the temperature increments by 5°C (from
30° to 300°).
(N.B. - We recommend setting the temperature parameter slightly higher
than the cooking program temperature itself, so that the preheating phase
of the selected program will last for the shortest possible time since the
oven will automatically recognise the temperature already reached and will
indicate that cooking itself is possible as soon as possible).
Press STOP to move on to displaying the next parameter
The display shows a flashing OFF message (program end time setting).
Press START or keep it pressed to increase the hours.