Instructions for the Installer
4.2 Fully Built-In Version
Minibars can easily be built into any suitable cabinet. It is essential to comply with the following
1 Make sure that sufficient ventilation can reach the refrigeration unit, on the rear of the minibar.
2 Sketches A, B and C (fig. 2) show various alternatives for building-in your minibar;
3 The ventilation gaps, for both incoming and outgoing air, must measure at least 200 cm
and it is
indispensable to take care that any ventilation grilles cannot be obstructed in any way.
All minibar models are equipped:
- with two fixing plates in the base;
- with a door with linkage fixtures for opening and closing, which connect the door of the appliance to
the door of the cabinet in which it is to be built-in.
The minibar is delivered with the door hinged on the right-hand side.
If you wish to open it in the other direction please refer to paragraph “4.5 Changin the doorhang”. The top
right-hand hinge will be fitted at bottom left, and vice-versa. To fit the top hinge, remove the cap over the
hole provided and reuse it to plug the hole in the original hinge fitting position.
Place the minibar inside the cabinet, centring it so that any gaps are the same on both sides.
Move it backwards or forwards so that the gap between the cabinet and appliance doors does not
exceed 5-6 mm (Fig. 3)
2) 3)
To fix the bracket which links the appliance door to the door of the cabinet, proceed as follows.
Make two holes to which the bracket will then be fixed, referring to the
measurements shown in figure 4.