Series 900 Single & Dual Instruction Manual
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The Sierra Instruments, Inc. Single and Dual Channel System
Electronics is a highly integrated systems solution to flow mea-
surement and control.
One or two independent flow meters or controllers can be operated
Linear operation with LCD readout is standard.
The back panel connectors provide outputs of 0-5 VDC and 4-20
mA and are 0-100% analogs of the flow range. Both voltage and
current outputs are simultaneously available.
Flow setpoint for flow controllers is from either the front panel
adjustment potentiometers or a remote source via the back panel
I/O interface. These potentiometers are only available on system
electronics which have a āCā as part of the model number (i.e.,
Side-Trak mass flow controllers also incorporate valve purge/
monitor/off functions which are accessible from the back panel
I/O connector.
Each channel has an optional high and/or low alarm (open collec-
tor) output. The alarm adjustment pots are located inside the
system electronics box and can be read on the front panel display
during adjustment.
An optional built-in totalizer on single channel configurations
displays the total mass flow. The electronic totalizer is highly
immune to power line interruptions.
The power supply is a linear (non-switching) laboratory quality
unit capable of easily supplying power to 2 channels simulta-