About Utensils and Coverings
it isnot necessary to buy all new cookwareo Many pieces already in your kitchen can be used successfully in your new microwave
convection oven.. The chart below will help you decide what utensils and coverings should be used in each mode,.
"_ Utensiis and Microwave Only Convection High M_xiRoast "_
Coverings Broil, Slow Cook Low Mix/Bake
Aluminum foil _ SmaB flat pieces of aluminum foil placed smooihly 'on"ioocl '_' For shielding _ For shielding ................
can be used to shield areas from cooking or defrosting too quickly.
Keep foil at least 1 inch from wails of oven.
Aluminum containers _Canbe_Usedii3/4fiiied with food. KeeP 1'inch away from _ Broil-No '_"_] Can be used if 3/4 .............
wails and do not cover with foil. cover filled with food, Keep 1 inch
away from walls and do not
................... cover with foil .......
Browning dish _ Do not exceed recommended preheating time. Follow _
manufacturers directions
Glass Ceramic...... _ Excellent ....................._ Excellent _ Excellent
Glass, heat-resistant i_ Exceiientl _Evertumed Pie plate necessary for popping _ Excellent _ ExcelLent
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Glass, non-heat-resistant ...............
Lids, glass
Lids, metal
Metal cookware [-_
Metal, misc: dishes witl-
metallic trim, screws,
bands, handles, Metal
twist ties
Oven cooking bags [_ Good forlarge meatsorfoodsthat needtendedzing_ DONOT
use metal twist ties
Paper plates _ For reheating
PaPertowels _"To 'cover for reheating and cooking. Do not'""use recycled i
paper towels which may contain metal filings.
Paper, ovenable [_
iplastic containers
Plastic, Thermoset ®
Plastic wrap
..... i ......
Pottery, porcelain _ Checkmanufacturer's recommendation for being microwave
| Broil-No
I cover
_] For
temperatures up
to 400°. Do not
use .for..br0.!.!!n,q.
Use for reheating and defrosting Follow
_ Are heat
resistant up to
425_ Do not use
for broilin.q.
Use brands speciai_y marked for microwave use DO NOT
allow plastic wrap to touch food.. Vent so steam can escape..
Do not use metal
DO NoT use metai ....
twist ties
For temperatures up
to 400_
Must be microwave
stoneware safe. safe AND ovenable
Styrofoam _ For reheating ....... NL_N__J .......
Wax paper ............... _ Go0dCoVering ior Cooking and reheating _
Wicker, wood, straw _ May be used for short periods of time' Do not use W_thhigh _ ........................................._ ....................
fat or high sugar content foods. Could char
DISH CHECK_ If you wish to check if a dish is safe for microwaving, place the empty dish in the oven and microwave on HIGH
for 30 seconds.. If the dish becomes very hot, do NOT use it for microwaving.
ACCESSORIES,. There are many microwave accessories available for purchase such as popcorn poppers and thermometers..
Evaluate carefully before purchasing. A microwave safe or dual safe microwave/conventionaL thermometer will assist you in
determining doneness and assure you that foods have been cooked to a safe temperature_ The dual safe thermometer can be
used with mix cooking.. 7