Input (unbalanced) . . . . . . . .
Output (unbalanced)
. . . . . . .
Output voltage with 40 kHz swing
and more than 5 f-lVantenna vol-
tage. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Audio-trequency range. . . . . .
Deviation trom specitied trequency
response (De-emphasis 50 usec)
Non-linear distortion at 40 kHzswing
and 200 f-lVantenna voltage tor
1 V output voltage. . . . . .
Signal-to-noise ratio at 40 kHz swing
and more than 20 f-lVantenna
voltage. . . . . . . .
Reception trequencies
. . . . . .
26 db signal-to-noise ratio with swing
ot 25 kHz ..,.......
Adjacent channel rejection (400 kHz
spacing) . . . . . . . . . . .
Power supply
. . . .. ...
Operating period
. . . . . .
. . . . . . .
Weight (with battery) . . . . . . .
tor 50-ohm sources
internal resistance 1 K;
nominal loading 2 K
1 V, variable
100 - 15000 Hz
;;;; :!: 2 dB
> 50dB
36.7 MHz and 37.1 MHz
tram 2 flV
approximately 50 db
9 V battery, tor example Eveready No. 226,
Pertrix No. 29 or 7.5 V DEAC accumulator,
capacity 150 mAh
Battery, approximately 20 hours;
accumulator approximately 10 hours
1.3" x 3.4" x 4.7"
approximately 0.6 Ib.