How to carry / fix the wireless microphone
̈ If the microphone is hand-held the sensitivity should be switched to „LOW“.
For outdoor recordings and close-miking the windshield MZW 1032 should
be placed on the microphone to reduce popnoise and windnoise.
̈ The carrying sling arrangement SZU 1032 is used if the SKM 1030 / SKM
1032 is to be carried before the breast. It is fixed and put on according to the
figure. The selector switch for the sensitivity is switched to „HIGH“.
For guided tours in factories it is not advisible to use the SKM 1030 as a
Lavalier microphone, as distance between the mouth and the microphone
would be too great. Ambient noise would drown out the spoken information.
In addition, the transmitter´s output power is considerably reduced if the
antenna is close to the body.
Hints for the correction of faults
Fault Cause
No function ̈ flat or weak battery/rechargeable battery
wrong polarity of battery/rechargeable battery
Acoustic feedback ̈ receiver may not be equiped with HiDyn
for SKM 1032
No transmission though ̈ transmitter frequency may not correspond to
transmitter is switched on the frequency of the receiver
Distortions ̈ selector switch for the sensitivity may be
switched to „HIGH“, sensitivity is too high!