Configuring the SDC 8200 system
Enabling the auto-relay interpretation function (Auto-floor)
If the original floor language is a language of which all interpreters have a
complete understanding and from which they work, you do not have to
enable this function. In this case, all interpreters interpret the original floor
language into their respective target languages. These interpretations are
then fed to the corresponding interpretation channels.
If the original floor language is not a language of which all interpreters
have a complete understanding and from which they work, you can enable
the auto-relay interpretation function (auto-floor): The original floor lan-
guage is interpreted into a language understood by all interpreters. This
interpretation is automatically “relayed” to the floor channel of all other
interpreters and serves as the basis from which they interpret into their
respective target languages.
To enable the auto-relay interpretation function (auto-floor):
The interpreter who delivers the relay interpretation has to choose the
̈ From the central unit’s operating menu, choose “
Configuration” and “Select Booth” one after the other.
The current booth number is shown on the display.
̈ Choose the number of the booth from which the relay interpretation is
to be delivered and press the ENTER key.
̈ Choose “
Auto-floor” and press the ENTER key.
̈ Choose “
Yes” to enable the auto-floor function and press the ENTER
key to save this configuration.
The relay interpretation is automatically “relayed” to the floor channel
of all other interpreter consoles and the AUTOFLOOR LED on these
interpreter consoles lights up, indicating that the auto-floor function is
Half-automatically initializing all interpreter consoles on the central unit
Once you have configured the number of interpreter booth (see “Setting
the max. number of interpreter booths/languages” on page 96) and the
number of interpreter consoles per booth (see “Setting the max. number
of interpreter consoles per booth” on page 96), you have to initialize all
interpreter consoles on the central unit as follows:
̈ From the central unit’s operating menu, choose “
Initialise Units” and “Full Init” one after the other.
The red signal light rings on all interpreter consoles start flashing and
the displays of the interpreter consoles show “
01” for both the booth
and the desk number.
1. If all of the interpreter consoles which were configured via the central
unit are connected, you can half-automatically initialize the inter-
preter consoles, i.e. by pressing the MIC key ƺ of an interpreter con-
sole, this console is intialized on the central unit with the booth and
desk number shown on the console’s display.
Booth Configuration
3 Auto-floor
Booth Configuration
Auto-floor = Yes
Press ENTER to Save
Initialise Units
1 Full Init
Press Mic to confirm
01 01