The following explanations apply to the case the product is functioning satisfactorily. Should there be
any moves different from the following contents, some sort of faults may have occurred. Immediately
look into the cause of the fault and eliminate the cause thereof to ensure satisfactory operation.
When the power is connected, the fluorescent lamps light up, and the game enters a test mode. In this
mode the game runs the Auger up and down to locate a “Large” Prize and the Prize bin under the Display
bin runs until a “Small” prize is located.
Game Overview
This is a self contained merchandiser game. Meaning that you input coins/tokens and after play it
despenses a product for the player. After inserting the appropriate amount of coins/tokens the players
ball is released to the plunger which allows the player to shoot the ball and attempt through 4 tries to beat
the “high score” displayed on the top LED display. If the “high score” is beat then a “Large” prize is
dispensed otherwise a “Small” prize is dispensed.
Sound is emitted.
Coin Entry
Flourescent Lamps are lit
Bulbs Light.