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Outdoor unit Installation
Connect Refrigeration Lines to Bundled Lines from Indoor Unit
• Use standard A/C practices to attach the connection pipes to the proper pipes of the bundled lines coming
through the wall from the indoor unit.
• Tighten the flare nut of the connection pipes using a spanner and torque
wrench. (see diagram)
• Note: Do not over-tighten flare nuts, or the connection may be damaged.
Insulate/Bundle Refrigeration Lines and Wiring
• Individually insulate all refrigeration lines and condensation drainage hose to
ensure that they do not sweat. This will help to maintain the unit at its proper capacities.
• Once all lines have been properly insulated, bundle the refrigeration lines with the wiring conduit and wrap
securely to complete the run to the outdoor unit.
• Note: The condensation drainage hose should be left free of the bundled lines in order to drain properly.
Install Outdoor Condensation Drainage Hose (Heat Pump Models only)
• When the heat pump unit is heating or defrosting, wastewater forms in
the outdoor unit. This can be drained off using the outdoor drain elbow
and hose provided.
• Insert the drain elbow into the hole on the base plate as shown.
• Join the drain hose to the elbow and turn so that the water drains to the
desired location.