
A-4 EXPLORER 2000 User’s Guide 565069 Rev B
Penney 035, 044, 061,
065, 074, 149,
170, 192, 070
Philco 044, 068, 159
Philips 068
Pilot 044
Pioneer 180
Portland 106
Prism 065
Proscan 061
Proton 192
Pulsar 031
Quasar 065, 179, 264
Radio Shack 044, 061, 070,
168, 179, 192,
RCA 061, 104, 149
065, 107
Realistic 044, 070, 168,
179, 192, 194
Runco 031, 044
Sampo 044
Samsung 044, 070, 074,
Sansei 465
Sansui 477
Sanyo 168
Scotch 192
Scott 192, 193, 194,
Sears 061, 068, 070,
168, 170, 185,
192, 193
How to Program the Remote Control, Continued
Continued on next page
Semivox 194
Semp 170
Sharp 107, 179
Signature 030
Sony 014
Soundesign 192, 193, 194
Squareview 185
SSS 1 94
Starlite 194
Supre-Macy 060
Supreme 014
Sylvania 044, 068
Symphonic 185
Tandy 107
Technics 065, 264
Technol Ace 193
Techwood 065, 070
Teknika 030, 068, 070,
074, 106, 164,
193, 194
Telefunken 070
TMK 070, 191, 192
Toshiba 074, 168, 170
Research 044
Victor 067
Vidikron 068
Vidtech 192
Viking 060
Wards 030, 035, 044,
068, 070, 179,
192, 193
TV Brand Code
TV Brand Code
Yamaha 033, 044
Zenith 030, 031
TV Brand Code