
930-112-01-D.00 PowerLogic
Series EM4000/EM4800
©2013 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved 13
Example: Selecting a Recording Interval of 5 minutes with Sliding Window
Demand enabled and 3 Sub-intervals, creates a demand calculation every
5 minutes based on the previous 15 minutes. This is the common demand
measurement used by North American utilities when billing for Demand.
NOTE: To activate the Demand Interval Setup settings, Peak Demand must be
enabled (
) in the Types tab (see Figure 8).
Figure 8: Types tab in the Report section
Demand Interval in Minutes The size of the block demand window in minutes (select from the
pull-down menu).
Number of Sub-intervals The number of recording sub-intervals that make up the sliding
demand interval (select from the pull-down menu).
Parameter Description