15InRow RC Operation and Maintenance Manual
Cooling Group Configuration
Use the configuration settings to add cooling units to the group and to define group operation. The system
automatically assigns the state of Backup to units in the group. A unit whose Role Override setting is set to ON
will automatically be set as a Primary cooling unit. A unit in the Standby or Failed state is not considered a
potential backup unit. The system periodically reviews the state of the units to maintain the proper number of
ON and Backup units. If no units are available to assign to the Backup role, then the No Backup Units Available
alarm is initiated.
NOTE: All changes to settings must be performed by qualified personnel.
Configure the cooling group
Path: Main > Configure Group
The Configure Group menu contains settings that identify the number of cooling units installed in this cooling
group and the physical arrangement of those cooling units.
Num Units: Enter the number of cooling units in this cooling group. Up to 12 cooling units can be joined
together to work as a single cooling group.
Type: Set the rack deployment strategy for the cooling units of this cooling group.
• In-Row: Air flow is not ducted. Hot aisle air is cooled, then shared by all loads in the row.
• RACS: (Rack Air Containment System). Air flow in the enclosure is controlled by a ducting system fitted
to the enclosure.
• HACS: (Hot Aisle Containment System). Air flow in the room is controlled by enclosing the hot air aisle.
The loads share an enclosed common hot aisle.
%Glycol: The percentage of glycol used by the Cooling Group to cool the environment. Only qualified service
personnel should make changes to this setting.
Fan Cntrl: This selection allows air flow to be controlled automatically by the cooling unit or manually by user-
selected fan speed preference.
• Auto: Air flow is automatically controlled by the cooling unit.
• Manual: The air flow is fixed to the value of the Fan Speed Preference property. See “Fan Spd: Set the
fan speed preference that will give you the desired temperature difference (DT). Each fan speed
provides an approximate DT between the supply air from the Rack PDU and the air returned from the
rack.” on page 18 for more information.