890USE19600 April 2004 15
The INTERBUS master device is self-configuring because INTERBUS slave
devices are auto-addressed according to their sequence in a serial ring structure.
The master identifies read/write data in terms of a node’s relative position in the ring,
not by a fixed address. The sequential location of slaves corresponds to the order of
input and output data in the master's buffer.
The ring structure uses a distributed shift register. In a single bus cycle, data from
the master to the slaves (and from the slaves to the master) is transferred. The cycle
ends when the loop back word is returned to the master. Each node is a component
on the shift register ring on which data is circulated.
The NIM’s EDS For a particular device to be recognized on your network, a corresponding EDS file
must be exported to your master device. This ASCII file contains information about
a device’s:
identity—the node’s classification is presented in terms of the manufacturer code
data size—the master’s input buffer must account for the amount of data
expected from the device
NIM Limitations The STB NIB 1010 INTERBUS basic NIM supports up to 16 words of INTERBUS
cyclic data. It does not support the parameter communication protocol (PCP).