
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002 101
Configuration Extensions
At a Glance
Overview Configuration extensions are utilities that can be loaded into a controller. The
Configuration Extensions area contains several different hardware configuration
extensions. These extensions are controller-specific. Each different extension hasits
own editor and some of the more complex extensions have a wizard as well.
Whats in this
This chapter contains the following topics:
Topic Page
Configuration Extensions 102
Compact Phase II 104
Data Protect Extension 105
Quantum Hot Standby 106
IO Scanner 108
IO Scanner Wizard 111
Peer Cop 113
Peer Cop Wizard 118
Profibus Extension 121
Profibus Wizard 122
S980 Extension 123
SY/MAX Extension 124
TCP/IP Extension 125
Quantum VME Bus Extension 126