Customer Assistance and
Customer Satisfaction Procedure
Your satisfaction and goodwill are important
to your retailer and to Saturn. Together we are
committed to providing our customers with
unparalleled service, before, during, and after the
purchase of a Saturn vehicle, for total customer
satisfaction. We call this the Saturn Difference.
Normally, any concerns with the sales transaction
or the operation of your vehicle are resolved by
your retailer’s sales or service departments.
If, for any reason, your ownership experience falls
below your expectations, we suggest you take
the following action:
STEP ONE: Contact the Retail Customer
Assistance Liaison. Any member of the retail
management team has the authority and the desire
to resolve your concerns. Normally, concerns
can be quickly resolved at this level.
STEP TWO: Should you need additional
assistance, in the U.S., contact the Saturn
Customer Assistance Center by calling
1-800-553-6000. In Canada, contact the
Saturn Customer Communication Centre at
1-800-263-1999. A Saturn Customer Assistance
Center team member will handle your call and
assist in providing product and warranty
information, the nearest retailer location, roadside
assistance, brochures, literature and discuss
any concerns you may have.
We encourage you to call the toll-free number in
order to give your inquiry prompt attention. Please
have the following information available to give
the Customer Assistance Representative:
• Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
This 17-digit number can be found on the
vehicle registration or title, on the upper driver
side corner of the dash, or on your roadside
assistance key card.
• The name of your selling and servicing
retail facility.
• Vehicle delivery date and present mileage.
• Your daytime and evening phone numbers.