Specifications 45
General Resolution / Image Type 7M Pixels / 1/2.5” CCD
LCD 2.4”TFT, 110,000 Pixels
Dimensions 92.9(W)x60.4(H)x22(D)mm
Exterior Casing Plastic Housing
Optics Aperture Wide: F2.8
Tele: F4.9
Optical Zoom Up to 3x
Digital Zoom Up to 5x
Focal Length Wide(W): 35mm,
Tele(T): 106mm
Focus Mode Normal: 50cm to infinity
Macro: 10cm ~ 50cm
Shutter Speed 2 ~ 1/1500 Sec.
Viewfinder None
Field of View 99% by LCD
Camera Features Auto Power Off / Time Out Yes
ISO Equivalent Auto, ISO80/100/200/400/800/
Internal Memory Support SD/MMC card from
32MB to 8GB
Flash Modes Auto, Fill, Anti Red-eye, Off
Shooting Mode Auto, P-Mode,Portrait, Night
Portrait, Landscape, Sport, Night
Landscape, Backlight, Museum,
Snow, Sunset, Fireworks, Party,
Beach, Copy, Video
Tripod Mount 1/4” Standard
Macro Yes