To ensure correct parts supply,please let us know followings,
when you make service parts order:
1.Part No. 2.Description 3.Q'ty 4.Volts-Hz-Ph 5.Product Model No.
1 623 304 0080 Insulation 2 854-2-1413-45200
2 623 304 0097 Insulation 2 854-2-1413-45300
3 623 304 0035 Insulation 8 854-2-1413-45400
4 623 304 9540 Top Panel 1 854-2-1112-46910
5 623 304 9465 Suction Grille 1 854-2-1104-23810
6 623 304 9472 Frame Filter Ass'y 1 854-0-1302-33110
7 623 304 9458 Hook 2 854-2-1347-19610
8 623 303 9923 Mounting Plate 2 854-2-2362-21101
9 923 171 4168 Mounting Parts Ass'y 1 854-0-1111-21800
10 623 304 0059 Badge 1 854-2-1354-32401
11 623 303 9954 Insulation 4 854-2-1413-45101
12 623 304 0103 Insulation 4 854-2-1413-47401
13 623 304 9526 Blade Louver 4 854-2-1110-30110
14 623 304 9519 Top Cover 3 854-2-2226-19610
15 623 304 9533 Packing 3 854-2-1362-48010
16 923 171 4144 Hook 3 854-2-1347-13700
17 623 303 9947 Joint 2 854-2-1332-137H3
18 623 303 9930 Joint 2 854-2-1332-137H4
19 623 304 9502 Support Fan Motor 2 854-2-2516-42610
20 623 304 9496 Cover Plate 2 854-2-2307-22710
21 623 304 9489 Cover Plate 2 854-2-2307-22810
22 623 303 9961 Mounting Plate 2 854-2-2362-21201
23 623 308 8709 Wire Ass'y FLAP(5P) 1 8FA-0-5286-44800
* 24 923 201 6735 Step Motor MP24ZN-12V 2 1FA-4-M3A0-06500
* 25 623 308 8716 Controller Ass'y CR-XS18WL 1 8FA-0-5282-11700
Part No. Description Q'ty Reference No.
NOTE: Metal and plastic parts will be supplied basically
with necessary heat insulation pads or packing.
Each key number with an asterisk (*) means the
recommended service parts.
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