Set screw only for transportation
Fig. 6
Rear panel
Fig. 7
Right tubing
Downward tubing
Fig. 8
3. How to Install the Indoor Unit
3-1. Remove the Rear Panel from the Unit
(1) Remove and discard the set screw on the rear
panel. (Fig. 6)
(2) Press the 2 ▲▲ marks on the frame cover and disen-
gage the stationary tabs from the frame. (Fig. 7)
(3) Remove the rear panel.
Tubing can be extended in 5 directions as shown in Fig.
8. Select the direction you need providing the shortest
run to the outside unit.
● When left tubing is to be done, switch the drain hose
and drain cap. (For details, refer to “Switching drain
hose and drain cap” on page 16.)
3-2. Make a Hole
(1) Place the rear panel from the indoor unit on the wall
at the location selected. Make sure the panel is hori-
zontal, using a carpenter’s level or tape measure to
measure down from the ceiling. Wait until after cut-
ting the hole before attaching the rear panel to the
(2) Determine which side of the unit you should make
the hole for tubing and wiring. (Fig. 9)
In the case of left-rear tubing, use the measurement
points 2-3/4" (70 mm) from the edge of the rear panel for
precise placement of the hose outlet. (Fig. 9)
(3) Before making the hole, check carefully that no
studs or pipes are directly run behind the spot to be
The above precautions are also applicable if tubing
goes through the wall in any other location.
2-3/4" (70 mm)
Fig. 9
Also avoid areas where elec-
trical wiring or conduits are
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