(A) Reduce the number of outdoor units set at outdoor unit No.1 by the number of failed outdoor units.
(B) At the S010 switch on the PCB of the failed outdoor unit, turn ON the switch for the compressor to dis
able, and turn ON the “backup” switch.
<Field Application Functions>
Backup Operation
16-1. Automatic Backup Operation
This system includes a function for automatic backup operation. An alarm is also displayed to inform the operator
that a failure has occurred.
(1) Alarms that result in automatic backup operation
When compressor trouble or fan motor trouble makes emergency continued operation impossible, automatic
backup operation mode is engaged. Automatic backup mode is not engaged in cases of communications
alarms, automatic reset alarms, and other instances when emergency operation is possible by pressing the
remote controller buttons or changing other conditions.
The alarms that result in automatic backup mode are P16, P22, P26, P29, H11, H12, and H31.
(2) Start of automatic backup operation
If the above alarms occur, the alarm is displayed on the control device. Pressing the control device button again
starts automatic backup mode.
(3) Operation
[1] When 1 outdoor unit is installed
When 1 compressor has failed, backup operation is possible using the other compressors (only in the 09663
model (8 Ton)). However, operation does not occur when the outdoor fan is unable to operate as a result of
alarm P22.
[2] When multiple outdoor units are installed
When automatic backup mode is engaged, the outdoor unit where the above alarm occurred stops operating.
However, if one or more of the compressors is able to operate, then this outdoor unit operates only when the
operation of all outdoor units is required for special control (such as 4-way valve adjustment) or other system
(4) Alarm display
If a wired remote controller is present, display blinks during operation.
(5) Canceling automatic backup operation
Repair the outdoor unit where the failure occurred. When repairs are completed, reset the power on outdoor
unit No.1.
After automatic backup mode has been engaged, it will not be canceled automatically when the repair of the
failed outdoor unit is completed. Automatic backup mode will be canceled only when the power on outdoor unit
No.1 is reset. Therefore, after repair work is completed, be sure to check whether or not automatic backup
mode has been canceled.
How to check: [1] Use test run or other means to verify that all outdoor units operate continuously.
[2] If a wired remote controller is present, check that display has disappeared.
16-2. Manual Backup
If an alarm that does not result in automatic backup occurs frequently, possible causes include failure (such as
refrigerant leakage) of a functional part at an outdoor unit other than the unit where the alarm occurs.
In this case, because the outdoor unit service valve must be closed, backup operation must be performed manually.
(1) Backup operation procedure
[1] Disconnecting the failed outdoor unit
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16. Backup Operation
Control Functions