4. Service procedures
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4-1 Troubleshooting
This section explains:
This unit is made to be trouble free, and not need much service. However, with time, moving
parts wear out, electronic components break down, and sometimes misuse damages the unit.
The purpose of this section is to help you when the unit is not working properly. Sometimes
your experience will tell you right away where to look for a problem, and when you find it you
will know how to fix it at once.
Often, however, all you have is a symptom like “poor cooling” or “outside fan doesn’t come
on.” Now you must find out the cause of the problem, and then how to fix it. This section
provides several ways to help you go from the symptom to the cause and then the solution.
The first chart, General Troubleshooting Flow Chart is divided into two sections: Poor
heating and Poor Cooling. Under each heading you will find the main things that can go
wrong and cause either of these problems. Sometimes you can start with this chart and find
the problem right away, but often you will come here for more suggestions after you have
looked at the error code on the remote control unit display. This chart gives you the "big
picture" of problems and solutions.
The other main tool we explain here is the use of the Alarm Messages. When a certain part
fails or a safety device has shut the unit down, any alpha-numeric codes appears on the
display to guide you to the problem.
By understanding the code you can often go right to the problem area and then, with this
manual and your knowledge of air conditioning, find the solution.
❑ What the LED codes mean
❑ What the remote control unit display screen messages mean
❑ How to use the flow charts to find and solve problems
How to use the self-diagnostic tests to find parts that aren’t working right