User Manual
detection areas turn gray.
To select motion detection areas, use the navigation buttons to select
them and press the [Enter] button or click them. Press the [ESC] button or right-click to return to
the previous menu.
A total of 16 sensors (9 sensors for the SVR-960C/945, 4 sensors for the SVR-480) can be set.
If All is selected, all channels are set to N.O or N.C. You can select channels and set them
individually to N.O., N.C. or Off.
6.7.1 Text Setup
You can turn recording for text input on or off.
Sync Text With
This selects channels to link with text data.
Seek Header
This parameter is not needed if, just like Star Finger-007, protocols are already registered and
supported for various types of data that comes from external devices (Access Control, POS,
ATM, etc.). However, this parameter is needed to see how one unit of data out of continuously
incoming text data is structured. In other words, all data has its start and end points, and the
header is data that is always inserted to indicate the start point. Therefore, by defining a header
here, the DVR can recognize from the header that it is the start point of the data. Two headers
can be set and detected because one device can send various types of data to external
The delimiter value may differ depending on the device used. For more information on delimiters,
refer to the user manual or the device manufacturer.
Timeout (ms)
Lines defined below are the maximum number of text lines available for one piece of data. Even
though data is standardized, lengths may differ. For example, three lines are programmed for
client name input for an ATM, but if someone registers only his/her first name and last name,
only two lines are provided when the person uses an ATM. However, the DVR cannot detect this
automatically, so Timeout is used to determine how long is needed to recognize the received
data as complete data after the last line is entered.