Remote control Device
● MENU for the use of Samsung system keyboard
Device Samsung System Keyboard
Remote Control Device
ID Baudrate Parity Date Stop Duplex
000 9600 None 8 1 Half Duplex
● Device
A Remote Control Device, being connected to the RS485 port.
● ID
This is a private ID of SHR-2040/2041/2042.
This private ID is essential for SSC-2000 because SSC-2000 can control many
SHR-2040/2041/2042 DVRs.
● Device
A Remote Control Device, being connected to the RS485 port.
● ID
This is a private ID of SHR-2040/2041/2042.
This private ID is essential for SSC-2000 because SSC-2000 can control many
SHR-2040/2041/2042 DVRs.
● Baudrate
Baudrate to communicate with SSC-2000
It should be same to SSC-2000 Baudrate for communication.
● Parity
Sets up one of None / Even / Odd.
● Data
Sets up either 7 or 8.
● Stop
Sets up either 1 or 2.
● Duplex
Sets up either Half Duplex or Full Duplex.
You cannot use the PTZ device device and remote control device at the same time, because of
communication problems.
In PTZ control mode, DVR's PTZ mode is canceled when remote control mode is connected,
and the remote control device is disconnected when the DVR changes to PTZ mode while
controlling the DVR with a remote control device.
Refer to the remote control device manual on how to control the DVR's PTZ device in the
remote control device.
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