Attaching/Detaching HDD
Be sure to lock the hard drive rack in place for normal operation of the system. Unless
the hard drive rack is locked, the system cannot recognize your hard drive.
When removing the hard drive rack, be sure to wait until your hard drive's power LED
goes off. When replacing your hard drive with another one, be sure to turn off the sys-
tem's power. If you replace your hard drive with the power on, your hard drive may
malfunction or be damaged.
If you want to use a hard drive from another machine, be sure to format it from a PC
before using it. The system may not work normally if you use it without formatting it
first. Hard disk drives recommended for use with the DVR COMBO are Samsung
Spinpoint SV0802N and SEAGATE Barracuda 7200.7 80G.
When installing a HDD into the hard drive rack, be sure to set the HDD as Master
mode. Otherwise, the system will not recognize the HDD. For instructions on how to
set the HDD as Master mode, please refer to the HDD's manual. For example, for a
Samsung Spinpoint V80 HDD, set the mode as follows:
5. Lift up the rack's front handle and push
the rack into the main unit. Once the
hard drive rack is fully inserted into the
main unit, lower the front handle to
secure it
6. Lock the hard drive rack with the
key, and then turn on the power.
Mounting HDD
2. Remove the hard drive rack from the
main unit by lifting up the handle on
the front of the rack and pulling
straight out.
3. Connect the removable rack's
data cable and power cord to
your hard drive.
1. First, open the hard drive rack cover
on the front of the main unit. Next,
open the lock on the front of the rack
with the key.
4. Slide your hard drive into the
removable rack and fasten with