Tools 105
Tools Menu
Tools Menu
Tools is a suite of Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) applications such as a Calendar, To
Do List, and Memo Pad that run on your phone. You can use your phone to schedule
events, set reminders, create a to do list, perform calculations, and more with the
functions provided by this useful feature.
Opening Tools Menu
1. In standby mode, press the MENU ( ) key, then press for Tools.
The following sub-menus appear in the display:
• Voice Kit — Lets you launch and tailor your phone’s voice recognition
•Today — Lets you review and schedule events that will occur today.
•Calendar — Lets you view the current, past, or future month in a monthly
calendar layout.
•Jump To Date — Lets you avoid lengthy browsing and go directly to any date
on the calendar.
• To Do List — Lets you create and maintain a task list.
•Memo Pad — Lets you store and review useful information.
• Count Down — Lets you view the amount of time between the current date
and any event that you want to schedule.
• Alarm Clock — Lets you set an alarm to go off once, or daily, at a specified
• World Time — Lets you view the current time of day or night in another part of
the world.
• Calculator — Lets you perform calculations, including addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division.
2. Use the navigation keys to highlight an application, then press the key.
The following sections provide detailed descriptions of the applications
and how to use their functions.
Voice Kit
VoiceSignal is state-of-the-art voice recognition software for your mobile phone that
lets you dial numbers, lookup contact information, and open applications using your