Your Samsung Phone features a Scheduler to help you keep
track of important dates and events, create To Do Lists, set a
Count Down alarm, check the time in another part of the
world and perform numerical calculations. To access your
Scheduler press , or . Press the associated
digit key to access one of the Scheduler options or navigate
to the option you want and press to access that option.
Scheduler has the following options:
♦ 1: Today
♦ 2: View Month
♦ 3: Jump To Date
♦ 4: To Do List
♦ 5: Count Down
♦ 6: World Time
♦ 7: Calculator
When entering events in the Scheduler, text entry defaults to
Word initial caps (press to select other text entry
You can schedule up to 9 events for the current day, Today,
indicating each event’s start and end time. You can even have
your phone’s Scheduler alert you before an event is to start.
Events scheduled for future dates automatically appear on
your Today events schedule on that day. For one key access to
Today events press .
1. Press to display the Main Menu.
2. Press for Scheduler.