User’s Manual
DVR-4TH/8TH/16TH Series
5.1.6 User Management
The DVR provides the option to create up to seven sets of usernames and
passwords with customized authority, excluding the preset “admin” account.
The menu is as the following.
User Management
Password Protection
Account Setup
Authority Setup
Load Default Setting
No Password Protection
Select <On> to request for username and password for accessing functions
listed in Authority Setup menu, or select <Off> to allow free access. Account Setup
Setup customized username, password, and privilege level in this menu.
Press Direction keys and ENTER to select items. The account is case
sensitive. The authority level rank from level 1~8, and level 8 has the highest
privilege. Alternatively, select <Disable> to stop using the chosen account.
Account Setup
Account: admin Mod
Password: **** Mod
Privilege: Level 8
2nd PWD: OFF
2nd PWD: Mod
NOTE: The account and privilege level of the preset “admin” account
cannot be changed. Authority Setup
Setup permitted authority level for accessing the functions listed in this menu.
The functions include: Playback/Search, Dome Control, Live Operation, Call
Control, Export Data, Menu Access, System Setup, Monitor Setup, Camera
Setup, Record Setup, Sequence Setup, Event Setup, Database Setup,
Configuration, POS Setup, and Shutdown. Press Direction keys and ENTER
to select items. The privilege level rank from level 1~8, and level 8 has
highest authority. Alternatively, select <Disable> to allow free access.