Chapter 5: Using the Web browser
48 truVision DVR 31 User Manual
Figure 19: Bandwidth control switch
Bandwidth throttle management
The Bandwidth Throttle Management function lets you throttle the amount of
network data sent from the DVR to a client. This function is helpful for networks
that have predefined bandwidth limits. This feature lets you control the DVR 31 in
a network-sensitive environment and prohibits the DVR 31 from sending a large
amount of network data that can potentially disrupt the network. To configure
bandwidth throttle, see “Advanced IP settings” on page 71.
Both live dual streaming and bandwidth throttle management can be used
simultaneously or individually. For example, if you display live video in the Web
browser with the bandwidth throttle management feature enabled, the video
update rate is lower, as network video data is sent in shorter, controlled amounts.
However, if live dual streaming is enabled, then the video quality increases, since
the second stream can be reduced to meet the bandwidth throttle settings, which
results in a higher video update rate.
Controlling a PTZ camera in the Web
The Web browser interface lets you control the PTZ functions of a camera.
Cameras with PTZ capabilities are marked with a PTZ icon (as shown in
Figure 20 on page 49). Click on a PTZ camera to display the PTZ controls.