Making Devices Known to CRM
Wireless Mobile Guide 2–3
Making Devices Known to CRM
Setting Up New Devices
It is unlikely that you
will need to set up
any new devices, as
most of them are set
up in CRM by default.
When Wireless Mobile is installed, a number of mobile device types are set up
by default. The default devices should be sufficient for the range of mobile
devices that you will use to access CRM. However, you can specify additional
devices if required. When you add a new device it is recommended that you
base it on one of the previously set up devices. Otherwise, you will need to set
up a folder with device-specific images for CRM to use.
To set up a new device:
1. Click on Administration | Advanced Customization and select Devices from
Advanced Customization Home page.
A list of default devices is displayed.
Devices list
2. Click the New Device button.
The Device input form is displayed.
Device input form
3. Type a description of the device you want to set up in the Administrative
Description field.
4. Enter a description of the device for the end user in the User Description