An event is a programming period. This could be the period in the morning when the facility is occupied. It could be the period when
no one is at work. It could be the evening.
The time for an event is selected based on when you want the event to occur. For example, if people start to arrive at the facility at
6:30 AM, set the first event for 6:30 AM. The thermostat will automatically make sure the environment is at the desired temperature
selected for that event by the time you desired.
This thermostat can be selected for 2, 4, or 6 events.
Energy Saving Programs
The thermostat is set with the US EPA ENERGYSTAR
recommended times and temperatures for optimal energy savings. You can
change these to suit your lifestyle.
The best rule is to examine your schedule and set the times and temperatures that best fit. This thermostat is so versatile, you can
easily temporarily change temperatures or programs at a whim.
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