NOTE: Never turn on the fryer with an empty OIL RESERVOIR. Always use
your fryer on a flat, heat resistant surface.
1. Attach magnetic end of SureRELEASE
cord assem-
bly directly to the fryer (See Figure 1). This should
be done prior to plugging the cord into the
wall outlet. The magnetic end of the cord is
designed to only go on one way. Be sure the side
stating "THIS SIDE UP" is facing up.
2. Unlock LID by depressing OPEN LID BUTTON.
3. Pour cooking oil into Oil Reservoir until it reaches between the "MIN"
and "MAX" marks on the inside of the reservoir. DO NOT OVER OR
Figure 1
• Fill the unit between the maximum and minimum capacity lines only.
• To achieve quality results deep frying food needs to be surrounded
by oil. Too much food causes the oil temperature to drop, resulting
in “soggy” food.
• Be sure that all ice crystals are removed from the food and food is
completely dry. Excessive water and ice can cause the oil to splatter
and/or overflow.
• Coated foods (bread crumbs, batters, etc.) are best for deep frying.
The coating acts as a protective layer keeping food moist on the
inside and crisp on the outside.
• Before deep frying, remove ice crystals from food and blot dry with
a towel. Excessive water and ice can cause the oil to splatter and/or
• For best results, defrost frozen foods for 20 minutes to create a crispi-
er final product.
• Fry foods at the correct temperature for best results. This will prevent
burning and give you even colored, crispy food.
• Prepackaged frozen cooked chicken may cook faster then uncooked food.