1-10 Group Dialing
If you are making a transfer request, polling reception, or broadcast from memory, you can dial more
than one address.
If you often communicate regularly in one of these ways with a certain group of addresses, you can
enter them with just two keystrokes if you have programmed them into a group.
Programming Groups, Page 85.
When the machine asks you to dial, do the following.
100% 02 30PM
*/ Qulc K/sp EED/Kp AD
1. Press *
3. Press
Yes (or press NO if you
entered the wrong group number).
100% 02 30PM
2. Enter the group number at the
ten-key pad.
Example: Group 1.
Press 1 .
If you Iabelled the group when you pro-
grammed it, the label is shown on the top
line of the display.
1-11 Dual Access
4. Enter some more addresses, or
Start .
CAUTION: If you enter * O , the
machine will dial all numbersin all groups 1
through 9.
If the machine is transmitting a message from memory, or receiving, you can send a fax message with-
out having to wait by the machine. Just place your document inthefeeder, select the required features
(such as Send Later, Memory Transmission, Confidential), dial, and press Start .
Your document will be sent immediately after the machine has finished the job now in progress.
This feature is known as dual access.