A3 option 2-4
A4 LEF option 2-4
A4 SEF option 2-4
A4 Tab LEF option 2-4
A5 option 2-4
accounting reports B-1
Ack Pulse Width option 2-6
adding fonts and macros 1-3
adding toner 4-3
adhesive labels. See labels D-11
Advanced Finisher 1-2
description 1-5
ash content, specification D-2
B4 option 2-4
B5 option 2-4
base printer, specifications C-2
basis weight, specification D-2
Best Fit option 2-4
Bond option 2-4
Booklet Finisher
error codes 5-15
menu 2-3, 2-7
OCP Menu 2-14
options 2-14
paper size and weight 5-15
Booklet Tray 1-6
Boot Method option 2-6
Brightness option 2-5
Calendar option 2-6
caliper, specification D-2
cancel menu selection 2-9
cancel printing B-1
Color option 2-4
components C-2
confirm menu selection 2-9
Consumable options 2-5, 2-12
life expectancy 4-2
replacing 4-2
Container Stacker 1-2, 2-8, 2-16
short stacking 2-8
short stacking mode 2-16
Contrast option 2-5, 2-8
Country Code option 2-6
Cover Sheet Feeder 1-6
curl. See paper
custom paper, setting size 3-15
Custom Size option 2-4
customer support 1-ix
Date option 2-6
Default Output option 2-4, 2-11
deleting print jobs B-1
Demo option 2-3, 2-13
demo report 2-13
Density Scale option 2-4
developer mix
exhausting 4-7
life expectancy 4-2
replacing 4-7
Developer Mix option 2-5
DHCP option 2-6
Diagonal Lines option 2-4
Disk Directory option 2-3, 2-13
disk directory report 2-13
display additional menu options 2-9
documentation B-1
drum unit
life expectancy 4-2
replacing 4-12
Drum Unit option 2-5
duplex printing
loading paper 3-12
troubleshooting 5-4
Duplex-Always option 2-4
early warning reports, printing B-1
edge-to-edge printing D-16
elevator tray 1-5, 1-6
Emulation option 2-6
Energy Save Mode option 2-6
Energy Save Time option 2-6
environmental limits A-9
error codes, Booklet Finisher 5-15