Equippe d with a powe rful long-
lasting rechargeab le battery (P.16)
A long-lasting, large-capacity rechargeable
battery comes with the camera, giving you
convenience for long-time shooting on a trip
or in your workplace.
Adjust (ADJ.) button for easy
customizing to optimum setting
The ADJ. button reduces button operation
steps. It allows you to quickly adjust the
exposure, white balance, and ISO sensitivity
with minimum steps. You can also assign a
function as required.
High -q uali ty movi e wit h so und of 30
or 15 frames/second (P.93)
A high-quality movie of 320 × 240 pixels can
be shot at 30 frames/second with sound.
Scene mode for easy and beautiful
shooting (P.37)
In Scene Mode, you need only to select from
among eight types of shooting modes for
shooting with optimal settings for the scene.
Skew Correction Mode facilitating
correction of an image taken
oblique ly (P.37)
In Skew Correction Mode, a square subject
shot obliquely can be corrected as if it were
shot squarely. You can correct a skewed
image such as a bulletin board, exhibition
panel, or name card with simple button