Manuals for this Machine
This Guide's Role
This Quick Configuration Guide provides concise software configuration in-
structions allowing an experienced system administrator to get the NIB up and
running quickly.
For more complete instructions or for printing or configuration options not cov-
ered in this guide, please refer to the Owner's Manual.
To ensure safe and efficient operation of the machine, all users should read and
follow the instructions contained in the following manuals.
Quick Installation Guide
Describes the procedures for installing your printer.
Operating Instructions
Describes the procedures and necessary information on setting up and using
your printer and its optional equipment. For information on setting IP param-
eters, see “Configuring the Printer for the Network with the Operation Panel”
in this manual.
Network Interface Board Type 2000 Owner's Manual
Provides detailed software configuration instructions for the Network Inter-
face Board Type 2000.
Network Interface Board Type 2000 Quick Configuration Guide
Provides concise software configuration instructions allowing an experi-
enced system administrator to get the NIB up and running quickly. (This
• Lesen Sie die im CD-ROM erhaltene Kurzanleitung für die Konfiguration der
Netzwerk-Schnittstellenplatine. (Nur in Europa)
• Se référer au fichier sur le CD-ROM fourni avec l'imprimante pour consulter
le Guide de Configuration Rapide pour La Carte Interface Réseau en français
(Europe uniquement).
• Fare riferimento al file del CD-ROM fornito con la stampante per consultare
la Guida rapida di configurazione per la Scheda di interfaccia di rete in ital-
iano (solo in Europa).
• De file van de Configuratiewegwijzer voor de Netwerkinterfacekaart in het
Nederlands kunt u vinden op de CD-ROM die bij de printer wordt geleverd
(alleen Europa)