Other Printing Problems
There is consider-
able delay between
the print start in-
struction and actu-
al printing.
“Sleep mode”
might be set.
The machine requires time to warm up if it has been in
“Sleep mode”. See “Timer Settings”, General Settings
Guide and “ENERGY STAR Program”, About This Ma-
There is consider-
able delay between
the print start in-
struction and actu-
al printing.
Processing time
depends on
data volume.
High volume
data, such as
takes longer to
If the Data In indicator is blinking, data has been received
by the machine. Wait for a while.
Making the following setting on the printer driver may re-
duce the computer's workload.
For how to open the printing preferences dialog box, see
“Setting Up the Printer Driver”, Printer Reference.
❖ PCL 6/5e
Select the lower value for the [Resolution] list on the
[Print Quality] tab in the printing preferences dialog box.
❖ PostScript3
If your operating system is Windows, select [PostScript
(optimize for speed)] in the [PostScript Output Option] list.
[PostScript Output Option] is located as follows:
• Windows 95 / 98 / Me
[PostScript output format:] on the [PostScript] tab in
the printing preferences dialog box.
• Windows 2000 / XP, Windows Server 2003
[PostScript Output Option] in [PostScript Options] on
[Advanced...] on the [Layout] tab in the printing pref-
erences dialog box.
• Windows NT 4.0
[PostScript Output Option] in [PostScript Options] on
[Document Options] on the [Advanced] tab in the
printing preferences (document defaults) dialog
Select the lower value for [Resolution:] on the [Print Qual-
ity] tab in the printer driver's dialog box.
Select [Fast] for the [Document type] list on the [Print Qual-
ity] tab in the printer driver's dialog box.
To enable [Change User Settings...], select the [User settings]
check box.
See the printer driver Help.
Graphics print
out differently
to how they ap-
pear on screen.
If the printer
driver is config-
ured to use the
graphics com-
mand, the
graphics com-
mand from the
machine is used
to print.
If you want to print accurately, set the printer driver to
print without using the graphics command. See the print-
er driver Help.
Problem Cause Solution