Using a Printer Server
Printing notification via SmartDeviceMonitor for Client
Follow the procedure below to configure the printer to use the printing notifica-
tion function of SmartDeviceMonitor for Client.
Setting the print server
❒ Under Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional, or Windows Server 2003, to
change printer properties in the [Printer] folder, you need Printer Manage-
ment access authentication; under Windows NT 4.0, Full Control access au-
thentication. Log on to the file server as an Administrator or member of the
PowerUsers group.
A On the [Start] menu, point to [Programs], [DeskTopBinder], [SmartDeviceMonitor
for Client], and then click [Print Server Setting].
The print server setting dialog box appears.
B Select the [Notify client PCs of printout/data-transmission ] check box, and then
click [OK].
After print server setting is made, a dialog box appears. Confirm the dialog
box content, and click [OK].
Click [Cancel] to interrupt the procedure.
A dialog box appears for client setting.
C A dialog box appears for client setting. Click [OK].
The print server setting is complete. Each client must be set to receive print notification.
❒ Current printing jobs restart from the beginning after the spooler pauses briefly.
❒ When the expansion function is not used, the function is automatically set as available.
❒ If you log on using an account that does not have Administrator privileges,
the client may not be notified.
Setting a Client
A On the [Start] menu, point to [Program], [DeskTopBinder], [SmartDeviceMonitor
for Client], and then click [Extended Features Settings].
A dialog box for setting the expansion function appears.
B Select the [Notify of printout/data-transmission when using print server] check box.
C Select the [Notify when using the print server] check box.
D Click [OK].
The dialog box for setting the expansion function closes.
The client setting is completed.
❒ Set the printing notification function on the printer driver as well as on
SmartDeviceMonitor for Client.