
water will be supplied to the cold water inlet of the temperature limiting
device at a temperature exceeding the maximum recommended water
supply temperature, or
when the hot taps are closed no water will be supplied to the cold water
inlet of the temperature limiting device whilst hot water will continue to be
supplied to the hot water inlet of the temperature limiting device.
These conditions may result in either water at a temperature exceeding the
requirements of AS/NZS 3500.4 being delivered to the hot water outlets in the
ablution areas, or the device closing completely and not delivering water at all,
or the device failing. Under either condition, the operation and performance of
the device cannot be guaranteed.
Circulated Hot Water Flow and Return System – Solar Water Heater
The cold water line to and the hot water line from the water heater must be
insulated in accordance with the requirements of AS/NZS 3500.4. The
insulation must be weatherproof and UV resistant if exposed.
The pipe work between the solar storage tank and the solar collectors must be
fully insulated with closed cell polymer insulation or similar (minimum thickness
13 mm). Thicker insulation may be required to comply with the requirements of
AS/NZS 3500.4. The insulation must be weatherproof and UV resistant if
exposed. The insulation must be fitted up to the connections on both the solar
storage tank and the solar collectors.