Swift FXSwift FX Bella Gray
Reprocessing the mask between patients
This mask should be reprocessed when used between patients.
Cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation instructions are available from
the ResMed website, www.resmed.com/masks/sterilization.If you do
not have internet access, please contact your ResMed representative.
Problem / possible cause Solution
Pillows won’t seal properly, are uncomfortable or cause red marks
Pillows may have been fitted
incorrectly, adjusted incorrectly or
the headgear is too tight.
Check that the ResMed logo
on top of the pillows is facing
outwards. Carefully follow the
fitting instructions. Readjust the
headgear to ensure it is not over
Inner wall position of one or both
pillows is incorrect.
Squeeze pillow sides to release
inner wall. The correct position
is shown in the reassembly
Pillows are the wrong size. Talk to your clinician.
Pillows may be dirty. Clean pillows according to the
Mask is too noisy
System is assembled incorrectly. Disassemble the mask, then
reassemble according to the
System is leaking air. Refit or reposition you mask.
Adjust your headgear.
Check your mask is assembled
Vent is blocked or partially blocked. If the vent requires cleaning, use a
soft bristle brush.