
\text\etd\DA615\font 7.1 DA615 instruction manual
7. Fonts
A font is a collection of characters and symbols with the same font type and
spacing, the same size (height), line thickness and character position
Font type A font type is a set of characters and symbols of a specific design.
Cour Helv TmsRm
Serif or sans serif
font type
Serifs are small cross-lines above or below characters (known as
"feet" in the Antiqua fonts). Cour is a Serif font type. Font types
without serifs are known as Sans Serif. Helv is a Sans Serif font
type. The diagram below shows the difference between a Serif and
a Sans Serif font type.
Normal/italics The characters can be printed out either in normal mode or in
italics - with a constant slope.
This line is printed with normal characters.
This line is printed in italics.