
Recording from Another VCR
To copy (dub) tapes, connect the two VCR's as shown
below. Use shielded audio/video cables (such as RCA
=AH002 or =AH005).
The connections from the recording VCR to your TV are
the ones you normally use. h is preferable to play the
original tape on the same machine that was used to
record it.
CAUTION: The unauthorized recording of television
programs and other materials may infringe the rights
of others.
AH002* or AH005*
*Optional accessory available from your RCA dealer.
TO audio and video inputs
on TV Monitor/Receiver
To VHF antenna terminal
on conventional TV
Simplified Operating Instructions to Dub Tapes
I. Connect the two VCR's as shown above. (Use 12. Press PLAY on the PLAYBACK VCR to start
shielded audiolvideo cables such as RCA playing the prerecorded cassette.
#AH002or **AH005.) 13. Adjust TRACKING control on PLAYBACK
2. Turn on TV. VCR if necessary,
3. Tune TV to VCR Channel (channel 3 or 4).
Note= If tile prerecorded cassette is not being
4. Turn on both VCR's. played on the same VCR that ori_lly
5. Insert recorded cassette into PLAYBACKVCR_ recorded it, streaks may appear in the TV
6. Insert blank cassette into RECORDING VCR. picture. Simply adjust the tracking control on
7. Press VCR/TV switch on RECORDING VCR the PLAYB_4CK VCR to eliminate the streaks.
so VCR tight is on, (This allows you to watch the 14. If you want to edit out unwanted material, press
recording while it's in progress0 PAUSE oa the RECORDING VCR while it is
recording. Press PA USE again to resume
Note: If you want to watch another TV channel recording.
on the TV while you're dubbing the tape, first
press the VCRiTV switch so the VCR light is
out and then use the TV's channel selector to
select the channel you want to watch on the TV,
8. Make sure the TUNER/LINE switch on the
recording VCR is in the LINE position.
9. Select the desired tape speed on the
10. Rewind cassettes to the beginning if necessary.
t t, Place the RECORDING VCR into the record
Note: Use the PA USE button only for brief
pauses. If you want to pause for more than three
or four minutes, stop the VCR by pressing
STOP. When you are ready to resume, place the
VCR back into the record mode.
The TV does not have to be turned on to dub a
tape, You may turn off the TV if desired after
the recording has started.
Stop both VCR's when the recording is finished.