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Your toll-free numbers are:
English: l-800-522-0338
French: l-800-522-0445
If you would like a copy of this manual in French, please follow the
instructions below:
Si un livret d’instructions en fraru$s n’est pas inclus avec votre appareil,
vous pouvez en obtenir un (indiquer le numero de modele, votre nom, et
votre adresse) en vous adressant a:
Thomson Consumer Electronics
Attention: Canadian Operations
P.O. Box 0944
Indianapolis, IN 46206-0944
If your VCR needs service, please
contact your dealer or the nearest Servicenter
from the yellow pages. Please do not send
any products to the Indianapolis address listed
in this manual or on the carton. This will only
add delays in service for your product.
Thomson Consumer Electronics
600 N Sherman Dr, PO Box 1976
Indianapolis, IN 46206
@1994 Thomson Consumer Electronics, Inc.
Trademark(s)@ Registered
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Printed in Singapore
Part Number 94VG4038/VG4039-1