Chapter 5
Packet Classification and Labelling
E-NIT-CTC-20041213-0013 v0.5
The bridgeport number can be found in the eth subgroup. Under the eth bridge
subgroup. Execute the following CLI command to find the bridgeport number:
The command will give an output like this :
Addr The following parameter is the only parameter used when selecting ip as type.
Tos All of the following parameters can be used to configure an expression of the type
bridgeport value Description
number A bridge port can be selected by using the bridge port
{Administrator}=>:eth bridge iflist
OBC : dest : Internal
Connection State: connected Retry: 10
Port: OBC PortNr: 0 PortState: forwarding Interface: up
RX bytes: 24774 frames: 163
TX bytes: 0 frames: 0 dropframes: 0
ethport1 : dest : ethif1
Connection State: connected Retry: 10
Port: ethport1 PortNr: 1 PortState: forwarding Interface: up
RX bytes: 0 frames: 0
TX bytes: 27352 frames: 163 dropframes: 0
addr value Description
ip-range or address The IP address or range to which the expression is
tos value Description
number (0..255) The tos byte value can also be used to define an
expression related to this value.
precedence value Description
immediate,flash, flash-
override, CRITICECP,
One of these values can be used to define an
expression related to the precedence in the IP packet.
number Also a number can be used to define an expression
related to the precedence in the IP packet.