Put flatware in the removable basket with fork and knife
handles up to protect your hands. Place spoons in the
basket with handles down. Mix knives, forks and
spoons so they don’t nest together. Distribute evenly.
The security cell cover hinged in the handle may be
lowered to either side to secure light-weight items from
the effects of the vigorous wash action.
The lower rack is best used for plates, saucers, and
cookware. Large items such as broiler pans and racks
should go in the lower rack along the edge. Load
platters, pots and bowls along the sides, in corners,
or in the back. For best washing result, all items should
be positioned with the soiled side facing the center of
the rack.
Take out anything that may fall or extend through the
bottom of the basket.
Loading Your Dishwasher
Don’t let any
item extend
through bottom