
Player menus
TV Guardian – TVGuardian (TVG) filters out objectionable
language monitoring the closed captioning (CC) information
contained on the DVD disc. When objectionable words or
phrases are detected, TVGuardian mutes the audio and
displays more appropriate “profanity free” phrases. The
TVGuardian technology also offers various levels of filtering
and adjustable with simple on-screen menus. For more
information, visit www.TVGuardian.com.
Setting TVGuardian:
Off (no filtering), Tolerant (filters only the most offensive
foul language), Moderate (increased standards for
language filtering), Strict (filters out all common
offensive language)
•Word Subset Filtering:
Hell/Damn (filters out variations of “Damn” and “Hell”),
Religious (filters out references to deity), Sexual (filters
sexually explicit language)
• CC Mode:
Off (captions are never displayed), On Mute (Default,
captions are displayed when offensive language is being
filtered), On Always (captions are displayed continually)
• CC Channel:
To select between CC1 and CC2 (default). To use the TVG
captioning features while watching a DVD movie, your
television must be capable of displaying closed captions.
Make sure that your TV CC channel is set to the same CC
channel as the unit.
Restore – To reset all settings to factory defaults.
Version – To display the firmware version of the unit.
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