32 Chapter 3
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CC Preset > Default...
CC Display On...
Ana. CC Type CC1
Dig. CC Type Service1...
Dig. CC Style ...
CLOSED CAPTION menu for digital
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CC Size > Large...
CC Font Ashley
CC Opacity Solid...
CC Color Green...
Bkgrnd Color White...
The following Closed Caption options are available for digital signals:
• CC Preset Lets you select between the Default and Custom options.
Default Captioning information displays using settings sent with the
broadcaster’s signals (e.g., size, color, font).
Custom Available after you have changed the Dig. CC Style settings
as described below.
• CC Display Lets you choose the way closed captioning information is
shown on the screen.
Off No captioning information displayed.
On Captioning information always appears, when available.
Muted=On Displays captioning information, when available,
whenever the TV’s sound is muted by pressing the MUTE button. The
captioning information is not displayed when the sound is not muted.
• Dig. CC Type (Digital Closed-Caption Type) Lets you select a
closed caption service mode (1-6) for digital channels.
Service 1 and Service 2 These choices are for the primary and
secondary languages, respectively
Service 3 and Services 4, 5, 6 These choices are additional caption
sources that may be available.
• Dig. CC Style (Digital Closed-Caption Style) When CC Preset
(above) is set to Custom, you can customize the following display
CC Size Lets you set the size of the digital closed-caption text -
Standard, Large or Small.
CC Font Lets you select a character design for the digital closed-
caption text. A font is a complete assortment of type of a given design.
You can choose from a variety of fonts (Ashley, Floridian etc.).
CC Opacity Lets you set the appearance of the space behind the
digital closed-caption text: Solid, Translucent, Transparent or Flashing.
CC Color Lets you choose the color of the digital closed-captioned
text: White, Black, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Magenta or Cyan.
Bkgrd Color (Background Color) Lets you choose the color of
the area of the screen behind the digital closed-captioned text: White,
Black, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Magenta or Cyan.
“Monotype” is a trademark of Monotype Imaging, Inc. registered in the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office and may be registered in certain other jurisdictions.
“iType” is a trademark of Monotype Imaging, Inc. and may be registered in certain other
“Floridian”, “Plate Gothic”, and “Screen” are trademarks of The Monotype Corporation and
may be registered in certain other jurisdictions.
“Ashley” is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation Registered in the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office and may be registered in certain other jurisdictions.
Notes: The styles shown above
only appear on digital broadcasts
INPUT jack). If a digital station
doesn’t carry digital closed
captioning, you won’t see these
If you’re tuned to an analog
station you won’t see these
Using the TV’s Menu System