Connections 8t Setup
Connection: TV + VCR + Satellite Receiver
1. Co I _ect your Satellite Receiver to your'B'
\ t i)ma_t the :mtli() \ idt'++ <tbk'-, ()>ill?evl the :liLt+lie tableN (\\hilt: _H1cl red+ t<> the AITDI()
IN j:ic I.,, (,tl the l)_Ic [.. , )I¸ the IX.. If( _itl+.l L _IONO) and to the Audio ()ulput .lacks t)n lhe
N. (]omk.tt tl_c, _ i0_> _ :il+l,: <,+u[b\\ ) It> lhe VIL)EO IN jack on tklu' bad, +>I tit<: +I'x. and to t]IC
\ i_[C_) t )!]IpLtt I:+( i< ()tl tile '_ttc'Nit,.' PC(u'i',c't
+.; C;<+m_u,.t '+; \ kk'u ulh],' (g)titm:tl+ (:(mnuct :ti_ 5 \ i(Iv¢+ (:+l+lu' t+) the _ \ IDI:() i:i,-l', <m tlw
I+\ :Had to+ tile. 5A ll)I t) i:t& <>t+tk:,: +,:tie[file iccci,+ur t,\tl > \ idct+ citb]u pl(+',idcs l',uttm
pitt;ram Htmiil_. ih,ttl :t l'C'_tl]:l+ \ic]c'_+ _:tl+I(' l,Ill iI i:_ (+l+Jli()n:II.)
Connect coaxial cables to the Satellite Receiver
'_ (](_m_ccl the _o:txlal c:tblt + trc>m VOtlT"u:Iblc' ot.urlet, c:tblc + be×, <>tatltenila [o the ln['_ut Jad,+
tm ,.(>iN +,atdlitu ncccJ',cz (>()m,:tilm'_, labcqcd IN FROM ANT!
[:LC<)m_c+ct the c()axi:i) cabiu' ]toIll )(>t+r :+,atc,]litu dish al++tetlna ttl tile h'tput Jack ell )our
_utc!!litc ieceix el+(soinetimes labeled SATI'I,I,ITt'] IN)
Connect the Satellite Receiver to the VCR and to the TV
A (]cmnc, ct ;t (o:txial c':iblct to t]+c+(JuG+ut .Jack (sometimes labelecl OITF TO "IX<:) on the
satellite rc.ccq'+cr :tnct to the IrG+tit !:ic.l-t on the VCR (sonletitl!es lal+eled IN FROM ANT).
l:l. Col+the+or:l coaxial cable to the, Outptlt ,lack (m tile VCR (sot_letinle<+ lal)e!('(I OI;T TO TV)
at+d to tke (]AISLt', AN"I'PLNNA jack o!_'thc TV.
. Connect G-LINK cable
A. If you haven't (loire so, i-ell/ore the l)emo Pin from the G LINK lack.
1L Connect the (;-LINK cab]c to the G LINK iack on the TV. Next step, place one of the
\<rods of the G41NK cable to x\ork x\ith your VCR (instructions arc' on p. 13).
Go to p ,ge 13
Chapter1 11