
Figure 12a Figure 12b
4C-4.) Remove the brake guard and, using the small Allen
key, loosen setscrew to release the brake drum. This
may or may not require the loosening of the brake cable
to gain access to the fixing screw. Loosen the drive
pulley in the same manner. Slide the brake drum toward
the drive pulley.
C-5.) Lightly tap the end of the axle with a rubber mallet. DO
NOT USE A HAMMER as this will damage the thread.
The axle will slide through the bearing hanger on the
frame. The brake drum and pulley must be slid along
the axle as your tapping progresses.
C-6.) When the axle end is clear of the bearing hanger, re-
move and replace the belt as shown in Figure 13.
C-7.) Reverse procedure to reassemble and tension the
belt as described in 4A.
Figure 13