RR1 • 10
Assembly of the RR1 is straight forward but it does require some time and
patience. To get our bearings, we will start with mounting the power jack and
move on from there. It serves as a good reference point for the other parts.
1. Install J3, the 2.1 mm power jack. Be sure to get a good, solid
connection to all three pads as this will have to take some mechanical
strain during normal use. Use ample solder without going overboard.
2. Install J1, the 2-screw terminal connector. Make sure and mount it so
the holes are facing the outside edge of the board. This is where you will
be mounting the IR LED wires when you are finished with the rest of the
assembly. The screw terminal makes it easy to work with later so you can
change the IR LED feed wires without using a soldering iron.
3. Install R1, a 100 ohm resistor (brown-black-brown).
4. Install Q1, the 2N3904 transistor. Do NOT mix this up with the 78L05!
Even though these are in the same package style, the inside circuitry is
quite a bit different. Mount this part so the flat side is in the same
orientation as shown on the silk screen.
5. Install C1, a 10 uF electrolytic capacitor. Why do we mention the
capacitor type? It’s because electrolytic capacitors are polarity sensitive;
they only like to be installed in a single orientation. We indicate the
positive side on the PC board with a + sign. The capacitor however is
usually marked on the negative side with a - sign. Make sure and align
them so the negative side is opposite of the positive side we indicate!
6. Install C2, a 0.1 uF ceramic capacitor (marked .1 or 104 or 100 nF).
Ceramic capacitors are not polarity sensitive so whatever direction you
feel like putting it in is fine as long as you use the correct two holes.
7. Install R2, a 1K ohm resistor (brown-black-red).
8. Install the 8-pin DIP Socket used to mount U1 (the PIC micro-controller
IC). It doesn’t matter which way the socket is oriented, as long as the IC
chip is inserted correctly in relation to the silk screen on the circuit board.
You can bend two of the corner leads out slightly to hold the socket in
place when you flip the board over to solder it in. Be sure to solder all
eight pins!
9. Insert U1 (the 8-pin micro-controller) into the socket. Make sure the
notch or dimple which indicates pin 1 on the IC is oriented in the same
direction as the notch indication shown on the silk screen. Before you
push it down into the socket, check to be sure that none of the pins are
bent under or outside of the socket. When you are sure the pins are where
they belong, press it down so that it is seated flat within the socket.